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This application was developed to enable Foreigner and Malaysian Citizens (abroad) to apply and register online to conduct research in Malaysia. Appointed from government bodies i.e. UNDP & world bank (MOU with Malaysian Government) do not need to register with ORIDb2.0.
Attention to all researchers who wish to access biological resources and traditional knowledge associated with biological resources in Peninsular Malaysia
Please be informed that the Access to Biological Resource and Benefit Sharing Act 2017 [Act 795] is being enforced from 18 December 2020. Apart from applying an approval from EPU, researchers are requested to follow these general procedures in respect of Act 795:
1) Check whether the resource falls within the scope of the Act; 2) Identify rightful Resource Provider; 3) Comply with other written laws; 4) Enter into benefit-sharing agreement (if the research is intended for commercial purposes); and 5) Permit Application to the relevant Competent Authorities (CA).For further information, please email or visit